Target CoLAB

What is collaborative targeting?

It is expanding the technical capability of your organisation & applying the concept that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It is your organisation joining a group of experienced independent explorers to form a collaborative team focused on assessing your exploration prospects/targets, concepts & work programs. It is centred on a facilitated workshop approach.

Use the fresh eyes of independent technical experts

Leverage your technical team
Spend your available cash wisely
Set up for capital raisings

It is your internal technical personnel reviewing and presenting information on prospects to the CoLAB team (forcing internal critical thinking & development of clear understanding of knowledge on each project, prospect and target area along the way). It is not sending your data to external consultants for their review and recommendations leading to a report developed in isolation, along with recommendations they do further work. The outcome is a consensus recommendation for prospect work programs, and ranking of prospectivity, aligned with corporate strategy. With buy-in from your technical team.

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