Geko-Co Pty Ltd is a boutique geological services provider established in March 2010 to service the minerals industry. Our interest is in helping our clients to make positive progress on their projects and company goals by sharing our technical knowledge and experience. While enthusiastic about helping our clients in any way we can, we see real benefits to be gained by the application of new ideas and technologies. Enabling our clients to implement technical programs in more time and/or cost effective ways.
What Have We Done:
We have assisted our clients via simple one off desktop projects and reviews, regulatory reporting, provision of personnel for short field exploration projects, establishment of site systems and training, detailed technical reviews & research projects, project acquisition search and due diligence work, exploration program design and implementation, co-ordination of multi-supplier work programs, provision of personnel (short and long term), competent person sign-off to meet ASX and JORC 2012 requirements.